JobTech online jobs scan reveals Banking & Finance and ICT Sectors Contributing to more than 50 …

JobTech online jobs scan reveals Banking & Finance and ICT Sectors Contributing to more than 50 … JobTech is Singapore's leading Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics technology startup that provides real-time labour market intelligence and … Link to Full Article: JobTech online jobs scan reveals Banking & Finance and ICT Sectors Contributing to more than

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Grads who are only artificially intelligent

Grads who are only artificially intelligent Grads who are only artificially intelligent … of machines or artificial intelligence, a favourite question to ask is: 'Will computers take over people's jobs?' … It is human beings, with their higher intelligence, who are able to empathise. Link to Full Article: Grads who are only artificially intelligent

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Richard Branson says the world needs to consider a ‘universal basic income’ as more jobs become …

Richard Branson says the world needs to consider a 'universal basic income' as more jobs become … 'With the acceleration of artificial intelligence and other new technology … This concept should be further explored to see how it can work practically.'. Link to Full Article: Richard Branson says the world needs to consider a 'universal

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