‘NTBs offset trade gains in SE Asia’

'NTBs offset trade gains in SE Asia' The 4IR could mean job losses due to automation, particularly through advanced robotics and artificial intelligence. This also means low-skilled jobs, such as assembly line workers, will be most at risk, and service jobs, such as those … Link to Full Article: 'NTBs offset trade gains in SE Asia'

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Of Humans and Robots: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work Event at MIT Brings Together …

Of Humans and Robots: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work Event at MIT Brings Together … On November 1 and 2, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) hosted an event called AI (Artificial Intelligence) and The Future of Work. Link to Full Article: Of Humans and Robots: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work

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Microsoft and LinkedIn integration helps employers reach more relevant candidates with job …

Microsoft and LinkedIn integration helps employers reach more relevant candidates with job … And, for job seekers, having access to examples of relevant CVs and … Using machine learning and LinkedIn insights, jobseekers will be able to see … Link to Full Article: Microsoft and LinkedIn integration helps employers reach more relevant candidates with job …

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