Artificial Intelligence gathers momentum

Artificial Intelligence gathers momentum There has been an increase in the number of Australian businesses taking a leap into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). … Worker job worries and ethical issues are said to be major barriers to adoption with over 70 per cent of retail business leaders claiming their workers are anxious AI

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How Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Analytics are being used to extract new ideas, weave a …

How Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Analytics are being used to extract new ideas, weave a … How Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Analytics are being used to extract new ideas, weave a business transformation … Contrary to what we have been reading in media about jobs being lost because of automation, I think because of digital technology a

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Scheme to create 5500 new jobs a year until 2020

Scheme to create 5500 new jobs a year until 2020 The Industry Transformation Map will also equip workers with skills in high-growth areas such as data science, analytics and artificial intelligence. Professional … Four Professional Conversion Programmes will help PMETs find jobs in growth sectors and get the necessary skills training. These new roles … Link

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What are we teaching the robots?

What are we teaching the robots? In fact, last year, Google's machine-learning programme started generating machine-learning programmes that were better than what human … If 'blue-collar automation' could be cutting jobs on the factory floors with robots, AI-driven 'white-collar automation' will be cutting jobs in call centres, stock … Link to Full Article: What are we

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