Databricks comes to Microsoft Azure

Databricks comes to Microsoft Azure Notebooks can reference and run other notebooks, and they can also be run as full-fledged jobs, on a scheduled basis. … with notebooks, databases, clusters and jobs, brings some order to both the Azure cloud and Spark's own SQL, streaming, machine learning and graph processing sub-components. Link to Full Article:

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Using NER on custom dataset

Using NER on custom dataset Posted 4 minutes ago. Details. I am looking for someone that can do NER on my custom dataset. I have 5 classes of texts, each text is in a txt format. I need a custom data loader on my dataset and extract relevant information from my texts. You can use

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new job

new job Yet while 67% of workers surveyed said it will be important to learn new skills and 45% believe it will help them do their jobs better, only 3% of executives are planning to invest in training, and only 29% of companies have redesigned job roles to reflect human-machine collaboration. artificial intelligence … Link to

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take job

take job The institute, the research arm of the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, concludes that many tasks can be automated and that most jobs have activities ripe for automation. artificial intelligence, automation, ground transportation, (21 more…) #artificialintelligence. Genre: Research Report > New … Link to Full Article: take job

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