Changing the approach to media education

Changing the approach to media education “As technology influences our lives more and more, particularly artificial intelligence, there is increasing pressure on jobs, and the jobs of the future … are going to be in the fields where the skills needed are unique to humans. The most important business skill of the next 100 years

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On-demand workforce provider platform secures seed funding

On-demand workforce provider platform secures seed funding In July 2017, AirCTO, a human- and artificial intelligence-powered recruitment platform that helps companies hire technical talent, secured angel investment from former Nokia director Francesco Cara. In June 2017, online classifieds site Quikr India acquired blue collar jobs listing company Babajob … Link to Full Article: On-demand workforce

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Companies will increase salaries and also headcount, says Mercer’s Remuneration Survey

Companies will increase salaries and also headcount, says Mercer's Remuneration Survey This is largely because of the nature of jobs is changing due to new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics etc and employers are increasingly hiring for new skill sets," says Pal. The overall actual attrition witnessed in 2016 was 11.5%, with

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[Editorial] Poor youths

[Editorial] Poor youths The latest statistics confirm that the job market is running in the opposite direction of the hope of the Moon administration that proclaimed itself a … rapid industrial and social changes that threaten traditional jobs, including those to be displaced by new technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics. Link to Full Article:

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