Research Fellow in Robotics and Machine Learning

Research Fellow in Robotics and Machine Learning Research Fellow in Robotics and Machine Learning | University of Leeds | For academic university jobs around the world, including lecturer jobs, professorial appointments and VC/ President positions, with hundreds of other jobs in higher education. Link to Full Article: Research Fellow in Robotics and Machine Learning

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10 Future Healthcare Jobs To Watch

10 Future Healthcare Jobs To Watch Clinical documentation is a painstaking process; doctors probably spend hours on this, instead of focusing on patients. While a combination of voice recognition, natural language processing and artificial intelligence will automate this task in the future, it will still need a human supervisor to “proofread” … Link to Full Article:

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Coding competition students in cracking form

Coding competition students in cracking form Mr Burchall told the winners that Artificial Intelligence would create jobs that will need young people with the skills they had shown. He added: “In the future you will be competing against children from around the world for jobs that have not even been identified yet.” Computer science teacher

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Why India’s top IT industry leaders think it’s time to ‘reskill’, or else be ready to lose your job

Why India's top IT industry leaders think it's time to 'reskill', or else be ready to lose your job “The new jobs require higher skills and therefore reskilling has become very important. Reskilling and upskilling has become a topmost priority for employee retention so every employee knows today if they don't upskill sooner or later

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Editorial: AI remains a technology for humans to master amid hopes, fears

Editorial: AI remains a technology for humans to master amid hopes, fears Last year, Japan's three megabanks hammered out major work reduction initiatives, with a plan to have information technology systems that utilize artificial intelligence perform work for tens of thousands of employees. The streamlining of business operations and cost-cutting measures are welcome, but … Link

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Google sheets,excel, data studio

Google sheets,excel, data studio Posted 10 minutes ago. Details. I am looking for data from excel, to be presented in google data studio, looking at 3 excel files to be combind, as three data imputes. We are a trading company need good prsentation via data studio , With using data studio so date ranges can

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