Preparing the next generation for new jobs

Preparing the next generation for new jobs Other than the uncertainty behind future job roles, experts at the dialogue also highlighted how technology has influenced the future workforce. Hajar Ali, founder of luxury adventure travel company Urbane Nomads, said: "With the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI), people are going to find work that … Link to

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Virginia ranks sixth among 50 states in tech employment

Virginia ranks sixth among 50 states in tech employment Virginia saw a 19.8 percent jump from 2016 to 2017 in the number of job postings related to emerging technologies — such as the internet of things, smart cities, drones, artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality and augmented reality. While these positions accounted for a small

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TYAN Exhibits Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Optimized Server Platforms at GTC 2018

TYAN Exhibits Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Optimized Server Platforms at GTC 2018 Workloads common in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence require frequent memory transfers between GPUs and perform best with minimal … HX FA77-B7119 with support for up to ten GPUs within a single server enclosure is ideal for running multiple jobs in parallel

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