Education and private sectors can collaborate to shape the future of work for the next generation

Education and private sectors can collaborate to shape the future of work for the next generation But building a diversified economy requires more than just increasing national employment within the private sector. With the advent of artificial intelligence and the fourth industrial revolution, the very nature of jobs and markets are changing and the key

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AI is Coming. What's in Store for You?

AI is Coming. What's in Store for You? AI is kind of the second coming of software,” Amir Husain, founder of a machine learning company called SparkCognition, told Business News Daily. “It's a form of … A recent Oxford study predicted that as many as 47% of jobs were at risk for being automated in

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France wants to become an artificial intelligence hub

France wants to become an artificial intelligence hub Emmanuel Macron and his government are launching a big initiative around artificial intelligence today. They want to turn France into one of the leading countries when it comes to artificial intelligence. “[Artificial intelligence] is a technological, economical, social and obviously ethical revolution,” Macron … Link to Full Article:

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