Most Americans think artificial intelligence will destroy other people’s jobs, not theirs

Most Americans think artificial intelligence will destroy other people's jobs, not theirs AI is a problem for jobs, say the majority of Americans, but it's someone else's problem. Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of US adults believe artificial intelligence will “eliminate more jobs than it creates,” according to a Gallup survey. But, the same survey found

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The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence In The Construction Sector

The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence In The Construction Sector Steel frame building technologies have allowed humans to explore and build solid structures like the skyscraper. According to, steel frame buildings have now become “a cost effective, strong and durable choice.” With the rise of artificial intelligence, the speed at which the work … Link to

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Jobs will go to robots whether we have immigration or not – here’s why

Jobs will go to robots whether we have immigration or not – here's why “Those jobs will go to robots whether we have immigration or not. That immigration is not the issue around technological development, technological development, artificial intelligence, mechanisation, is all happening and that will carry on.” Tonight's BBC Panorama programme Immigration: Who should …

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Govt to upbeat about AI – expert

Govt to upbeat about AI – expert That's nearly half of all this country's jobs. And while new jobs will be created, some will be rendered obsolete. Ben Reid from the Artificial Intelligence Forum said the country needed to have an open conversation about the impact of AI on the workforce. "Yes, artificial intelligence is

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