AI Isn't Alone in the Smart Factory Future

AI Isn't Alone in the Smart Factory Future To maximize industry 4.0's benefits, manufacturers need to balance machine learning with automation. … Unfortunately, this often results in lost jobs and a workforce that is forced to adapt to survive. … Instead of taking jobs away from humans, next-gen robots are, in some cases, creating new

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Viewpoint: What does the future of work look like?

Viewpoint: What does the future of work look like? It is a question we can't afford to speculate on, as automation, artificial intelligence, and the cloud are all changing the nature of work dramatically. Predictions about the impact of digital transformations on the job market are so disparate that only two certain conclusions can be

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It's About Augmented Intelligence, not Artificial Intelligence

It's About Augmented Intelligence, not Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence barely left the headlines last year. If you believe everything said about AI, you'd probably be kept awake at night, worrying about impending job losses thanks to automation and perhaps even the robot apocalypse. The reality is perhaps a little less Hollywood blockbuster. Ultimately … Link to

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It's About Augmented Intelligence, not Artificial Intelligence

It's About Augmented Intelligence, not Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence barely left the headlines last year. If you believe everything said about AI, you'd probably be kept awake at night, worrying about impending job losses thanks to automation and perhaps even the robot apocalypse. The reality is perhaps a little less Hollywood blockbuster. Ultimately … Link to

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The Intelligent Workplace's Promise and Pitfalls #DigWorkChat

The Intelligent Workplace's Promise and Pitfalls #DigWorkChat As much as we hear businesses proclaim the power of AI to augment employee effort, workers are wary of the potential loss of jobs as artificial intelligence grows more capable. For every promise of retraining and freedom from mundane tasks, there's another story of layoffs caused by workplace …

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Awaken

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Awaken Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are getting a lot of press coverage these days and for good reason — it's a broad and rapidly advancing technical … While many are afraid of losing their jobs or relevance in this new world, we need to be realistic about

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How Artificial Intelligence Has Impacted Engineering

How Artificial Intelligence Has Impacted Engineering Things aren't entirely bleak, however, a Stanford University study entitled 'One Hundred Year Study of Artificial Intelligence', reported that there was no imminent threat to workers. The study argued that even if or when artificial intelligence does have a significant impact on jobs, this will be balanced by … Link

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