Socially-intelligent robot steals the show

Socially-intelligent robot steals the show Leaving to one side the potential impact on jobs, we asked Dr Gillblad how innovations of this sort can drive a company forward, from a purely business perspective. … Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and big data, are transforming the way we live and work. • AI

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Amazon Is Hiring 2000 People for Jobs in Boston

Amazon Is Hiring 2000 People for Jobs in Boston (AMZN) is set to create 2,000 technology jobs in Boston, expanding its hub in the east coast city with a focus on its Alexa virtual assistant and machine learning, the e-commerce giant said on Tuesday. Amazon, the world's third largest retailer behind Walmart and Alibaba according

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The Robots are Coming!

The Robots are Coming! Even worse, though blue collar jobs have been the traditional victims of mechanization, this time, the unemployment will extend to white collar jobs as well. The age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) threatens accountants, doctors, lawyers, teachers, bureaucrats and financial analysts, to name a few. Link to Full Article: The Robots are

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Google co-founder Sergey Brin: Artificial intelligence is the most significant development in …

Google co-founder Sergey Brin: Artificial intelligence is the most significant development in … Google co-founder Sergey Brin: Artificial intelligence is the most significant … The share of jobs requiring AI skills has grown 4.5X since 2013. Link to Full Article: Google co-founder Sergey Brin: Artificial intelligence is the most significant development in …

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