Need work? Manufacturing sector looking for help

Need work? Manufacturing sector looking for help Need work? … CHILLICOTHE – While conditions have aligned to set up a potential boom in manufacturing, the Chillicothe … by those willing to pursue training in such fields as robotics, virtual reality, design and artificial intelligence. Link to Full Article: Need work? Manufacturing sector looking for help

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Artificial Intelligence: How Will Technologies Like Automation and Machine Learning Impact …

Artificial Intelligence: How Will Technologies Like Automation and Machine Learning Impact … Jeff Hesse, principal at PwC, said that “I think the future of work is going to … displace some existing jobs but also generate large productivity gains. Link to Full Article: Artificial Intelligence: How Will Technologies Like Automation and Machine Learning Impact …

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Robotics at work sites? Emerging technology revolutionizing traditional construction industry

Robotics at work sites? Emerging technology revolutionizing traditional construction industry Artificial intelligence is a major part of technology in future construction, including the early stages of planning. In his lab, Zhang works on software side … Link to Full Article: Robotics at work sites? Emerging technology revolutionizing traditional construction industry

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