Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats News: AI Augmentation To Create $2.9 Trillion Of Business Value

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats News: AI Augmentation To Create .9 Trillion Of Business Value In 2021, AI augmentation (“a human-centered partnership model of people and AI working together to enhance cognitive performance”) will create … Link to Full Article: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats News: AI Augmentation To Create .9 Trillion Of Business Value

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats News: AI Augmentation To Create $2.9 Trillion Of Business Value

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats News: AI Augmentation To Create .9 Trillion Of Business Value Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats News: AI Augmentation To Create $2.9 … impact on productivity of human-machine collaboration, the number of jobs that … A machine learning algorithm outperformed pathologists (89% accuracy vs. Link to Full Article: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats News:

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What Better Way to Inspire New Artificial Intelligence than Natural Intelligence—the Brain

What Better Way to Inspire New Artificial Intelligence than Natural Intelligence—the Brain Traditionally, artificial intelligence algorithms are based on synchronous inputs, which means that … In contrast, brain dynamics do not work that way. Link to Full Article: What Better Way to Inspire New Artificial Intelligence than Natural Intelligence—the Brain

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