IIT-Delhi to establish School of Artificial Intelligence; PhD admissions to begin from January 2021

IIT-Delhi to establish School of Artificial Intelligence; PhD admissions to begin from January 2021 The Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi (IIT-Delhi) will establish an independent 'School of Artificial Intelligence' (ScAI) on campus. Admission … Link to Full Article: IIT-Delhi to establish School of Artificial Intelligence; PhD admissions to begin from January 2021

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After COVID-19, artificial intelligence is next challenge facing US jobseekers, lawmakers told

After COVID-19, artificial intelligence is next challenge facing US jobseekers, lawmakers told … looking for employment in the post-coronavirus job market may face additional challenges due to the emergence of artificial intelligence, according … Link to Full Article: After COVID-19, artificial intelligence is next challenge facing US jobseekers, lawmakers told

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