Asian workers pushed to upskill as pandemic quickens digital shift – Thomson Reuters Foundation

Asian workers pushed to upskill as pandemic quickens digital shift – Thomson Reuters Foundation The coronavirus pandemic upended jobs globally, with unemployment … Singapore's SkillsFuture uses big data and machine learning to monitor … Link to Full Article: Asian workers pushed to upskill as pandemic quickens digital shift – Thomson Reuters Foundation

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Article: How artificial intelligence can spur diversity and inclusion, Bose Corp's Aswini Thota …

Article: How artificial intelligence can spur diversity and inclusion, Bose Corp's Aswini Thota … Organizations are using machine learning and advanced analytics on unstructured data such as resumes, job descriptions, survey responses, etc., … Link to Full Article: Article: How artificial intelligence can spur diversity and inclusion, Bose Corp's Aswini Thota …

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Article: How artificial intelligence can spur diversity and inclusion, Bose Corp's Aswini Thota …

Article: How artificial intelligence can spur diversity and inclusion, Bose Corp's Aswini Thota … Organizations are using machine learning and advanced analytics on unstructured data such as resumes, job descriptions, survey responses, etc., … Link to Full Article: Article: How artificial intelligence can spur diversity and inclusion, Bose Corp's Aswini Thota …

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India: Fastest Jobless Economy

India: Fastest Jobless Economy The result was net increase in the employment. In this same way today, robots are taking over many manufacturing and artificial intelligence taking … Link to Full Article: India: Fastest Jobless Economy

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International Summit on Artificial Intelligence & Digital applications in Agriculture – Krishi Jagran

International Summit on Artificial Intelligence & Digital applications in Agriculture – Krishi Jagran The latest strides in artificial intelligence and machine learning have redefined farming and is steadily emerging as part of the technological … Link to Full Article: International Summit on Artificial Intelligence & Digital applications in Agriculture – Krishi Jagran

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